What do I have to do?
The first step is to log into your WordPress Admin dashboard, and make a backup of your current website.
Once logged into WordPress click Plugins then “Add New” as shown below: –
On the next page in the keyword box type “all in one” and wait for a moment until it shows the results, then click “Install Now” for “All-in-one WP Migration” as shown below: –
Once it has installed click “Activate as shown below: –
Once activated now click “Backups” in the All-in-one WP Migration menu on the left as shown: –
- Now click “Create Backup”
- Now click “Export to File”
- It will now do some checks and make a backup and once finished will give you the option to click to download the backup, so go ahead and click it to download the backup to your computer
- Once it has downloaded to your computer click “CLOSE”
Now click “Create Backup” as shown below: –
Please read the next paragraph carefully!
If you are changing the actual domain name in use to a completely different domain name then scroll down to the words WELCOME BACK to skip the section below.
HOWEVER! If you are just converting your website from http to https and not changing the domain name then follow the instructions below onwards!
In WordPress go to Settings>>General as shown below: –
Then add the s after both instances as below: –
WordPress should now log you out, please log back in and skip to LAST STEPS! missing out the WELCOME BACK! section below.
At this point you may have the new domain name you are moving to pointing to the same place as the site you are moving or you may have a completely new install of WordPress ready on the new domain name elsewhere.
Choose the applicable option below: –
1, If you are changing the domain name of the website and keeping the WordPress install where it is then please go to Settings >> General as below: –
Next change the url for both instances to the new domain name as below: –
And scroll to the bottom and click “Save Changes” as below: –
WordPress should now log you out, please log back in using the new domain name and skip to LAST STEPS!
2, Log into the new fresh install of WordPress you have on the new domain, we will now install the backup program: –
Once logged into WordPress click Plugins then “Add New” as shown below: –
On the next page in the keyword box type “all in one” and wait for a moment until it shows the results, then click “Install Now” for “All-in-one WP Migration” as shown below: –
Once it has installed click “Activate as shown below: –
Once activated you can now proceed to LAST STEPS! below.
OK this is the final part and should be completed by both those changing the domain name and also those converting to https.
At this point make sure the url in the browser window is the url you want to end up with so if you are converting to https it should show https at the front of the url, similarly if you are changing the domain name entirely it should show the new domain name!
If you do not see what you are expecting then you will need to rectify that first before proceeding.
Click on “Import” in the All-In-One WP Migration section as shown:-
Select the backup you downloaded of your website, the system will go through a few checks and all being well present you with the following, click on “Proceed” as shown below: –
Once the restore finishes you will see the following, make sure to click “Permalink Settings” as shown and NOT CLOSE!
This will open wordpress in a new TAB and you will have to login to WordPress (remember these will be the login details of the WordPress website you backed up!)
Once you are logged in it will take you to the permalinks settings page, click on “Save Changes” and once it advises it has saved them click on “Save Changes” once more (it is important to do this twice!)
And that is everything done!
Useful information: –
Be sure to follow this how to guide carefully!
If your website is hosted by PAC then you will already have a free Lets Encryptâ„¢ SSL certificate so this will work right away for you, If you use another host please check with them that you have an SSL certificate available before starting!
If you are running any caching or security plugins it may be beneficial to deactivate them before taking a backup and re-activating them once you have imported your backup at its destination.
Feel free to keep All-In-One WP Migration installed it is a fantastic tool!
If your WordPress website backup is bigger than 512MB you will need to purchase the Unlimited Extension plugin from the vendor of All-In-One WP Migration which allows imports of unlimited size, you can also use this on any of your sites – once purchased add it as a plugin alongside the main version for it to work.