Introducing The New cPanel Jupiter Theme!

The Fresh, Modern And Intuitive cPanel Jupiter Theme has arrived

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A theme change can cause confusion when things suddenly look different  however Jupiter is worth the effort!

So you have logged into cPanel and it has suddenly changed completely?

Familiar icons and layouts suddenly not there?

Or maybe you’re reading this and thinking nothing has changed for me?

Well buckle up as cPanel have made this a mandatory change so everyone will soon be using the Jupiter theme when cPanel v108 arrives

However we think Jupiter is a positive step as it brings to the table a cleaner interface that looks great!

Gone are the clunky icons from the paper lantern theme that although they looked good upon reflection made it difficult to spot what you needed.

With the new theme everything is modern and uniform in design.

This makes it far easier to spot what you need!

No more feeling that you cannot see the wood for the trees!

There is also a handy search box in the top right to find what you need even quicker.

It goes further than just matching the words of the icon that you enter for example entering anti spam will bring up Spam Filters!

With Jupiter cPanel have made it even easier to manage your uk cpanel hosting

As you can see from the picture of the hosting control panel it really is looking slick

We are not sure how it could be simpler to manage your hosting!

Need a new email account?

Just click Email Accounts and then click +Create and follow the prompts

It’s the same with everything in cPanel it has been made with people in mind

From technical ninjas to complete beginners it really does make it simple!

There is a browser based file manager to work with your files

Or for the ninjas amongst us there is even a Terminal window if that’s your thing!

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